How I write everyday

Three rules that take me through

Abhinit Singh
3 min readJul 1, 2023
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash.

I’ve been writing daily for over fifteen days now. The euphoria of adventure has diminished, and it has become more of a ritual. A habit that helps me anchor my day; something that can be termed productive.

Contrary to popular opinion, and my own expectations, writing has gotten tougher with every article. And it’s got more to do with perceived expectations than the activity itself.

Is the subject good enough? Good time to publish? Will my views disappoint the readers? Does every sentence read well?

That’s not to say doubts hold me for long; I usually throw them into the wind and publish anyway. But they’re real, and they’re daunting.

So, as I sat figuring 'how to write everyday?’ for myself, I realized that makes for a good subject. Here we go.

Never shortchange ideas

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash.

I never dismiss a writing idea without a fair thought. No subject appeals to everyone, but every subject appeals to someone.

The world has over seven billion minds, and I can only predict my own.

A couple of my articles that I deem mediocre have had the largest audience, while some of my favourite ones have failed to gain much traction.

It helps to trust the intelligence of my readers. I write what I want to write; they read what they want to read.

Readers appreciate genuine writing.

First draft needn’t be perfect

Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash.

When are you likely to quit? When the task is incomplete, or when it is imperfect?

Not every paragraph is perfect from the get go, and it is when you stop to nitpick midway that you’re likely to quit.

I’m quick in getting the first draft ready. Once that is done, I have something substantial, however imperfect, to share.

The sense of accomplishment also helps me breeze through merciless editing. Finally, I ask my reliable (and unpaid) editor to have a look. I publish when Tavi okays it.

The method has worked well.

Write for yourself

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

I don’t write for the audience alone, I write to understand things that interest me.

I write about politics and economics, in full knowledge that few readers find it interesting. I write about philosophy sometimes, even though I’m not the most informed person in the subject. I write for myself, and share for those interested in following along.

It insulates me from the stats; views, reads, responses, and whatever else there is. An article tanking, or doing exceptionally well, has little impact on my will to write the next day.

Get the process right and the results will happen.

Writing is about discipline. I don’t make money out of writing articles, but publishing one gives me the confidence to take on bigger tasks, stuff that I might actually get paid for.

Besides, writing brings a semblance of stability to otherwise chaotic modern lives. You should try it too.


I’ve described the benefits of writing in this article. You might want to read it too.



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